jkssb arihant reasoning book pdf

Topics Covered Under jkssb arihant reasoning book pdf
jkssb arihant reasoning book – Hello everyone, in this article we will discuss the arihant reasoning book pdf free download. For the aspirants, who are preparing for JKSSB JKPSC SSC BANK and other government job examinations, this book is one of the best books to prepare reasoning. This arihant reasoning book is also useful for the
aspirants who are comfortable in hindi or english because this book is available in both languages english and hindi.
JKSSB Arihant reasoning book pdf
As we all know, the reasoning section plays a very crucial role in JKSSB JKPSC AND SSC and other government job examination. To prepare the reasoning section with latest tricks
and tips this book is best. This reasoning book consists of each chapter with
detailed explanation and solved examples.
1. Arihant reasoning book pdf
2. About reasoning book pdf
3. Reasoning book pdf Contents
3.1. Other reasoning books pdf

About Arihant reasoning book pdf
Book Name –Arihant reasoning book pdf
Author Name- — R.K Jha
Format- PDF
Size- 45 mb
Pages- 433(English)
Language- English
Publication- Arihant Publication
Contents of jkssb Arihant reasoning book
Reasoning book Arihant reasoning book pdf Contents
Verbal Reasoning
Non Verbal Reasoning
-Series completion
-Coding- decoding
-Analytical reasoning
-Blood relation
-Mirror images
-Puzzle test
-Water images
-Sequential output tracing
-Embedded figures
-Direction sense test
-Completion of incomplete pattern
-Logical Venn diagrams
-Figure matrix
-Alphabet test
-Paper cutting
-Number,ranking and time sequence test
-Paper folding
-Mathematical operation
-Rule detection
-Logical sequence of words
-Grouping of identical figures
-Arithmetical reasoning
-Cubes and dice
-Inserting the missing character
-Dot situation
-Data sufficiency
-Construction of secures and triangles
-Decision making
-Figure formation and analysis
-Assertion and reason
-Practice question set
-Situation reaction test
Verification of truth of the statement
Click here to download jkssb arihant reasoning book
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