Here in this post we will discuss about benefits of Inservice candidate in jk :- While applying online for any job on jkssb portal ..There you will be asked are you an Ex service men/ Govt Employee or any other. Kindly check the Govt employee option as shown in the picture below
While applying online for any job on jkssb portal ..There you will be asked are you an Ex service men/ Govt Employee or any other. Kindly check the Govt employee option as shown in the picture below
The Govt. Servant excluding autonomous bodies like Bank etc. who has enrouted his job application hardcopy through proper channel.
Can I apply as an In-service candidate?
Yes one can apply as an in-service candidate if he is working in a Govt Department in JK.
Shall I have to submit the hardcopy ?
Yes, After filling all the details on the online jkssb portal like in the below pictures .Print out your application form and submit it to your DDO for a covering letter for submission to the Head of department directly or to the next higher officer .It varies from DDo to DDo. Even some DDO`s submit the application form directly to JKSSB which in some cases gets accepted and in some cases its not.e.g.
While applying as an in-service candidate, if a candidate is working in any GMC ,Principal GMC can directly submit the application form to JKSSb and is luckily accepted by the board.
benefits of Inservice candidate in jk
On the other hand While applying as an in-service candidate, if a candidate is working in jk forest department , Ranger can NOT directly submit the application form to JKSSb and is rejected by the board.
For the candidates in most of the departments DIRECTOR is authorized to submit the application form directly to JKSSB . Here we are discussing about benefits of Inservice candidate in jk
When I have to submit the hardcopy or forward the hardcopy to jkssb after HOD`s signature?
As soon as you submit the online application form send it to your department and follow it till it reaches the JKSSB office and take a proper receipt. For backup keep a Signed copy from HOD with you for backup if in future the JKSSB misplaces your application form you can resubmit this at that time.
6Shall my probation be considered in new job?
Yes, your probation period is considered and you will not be put under probation for 2nd time.
7How Shall I know that my In-service candidature has been accepted?
For that you have visit JKSSB office after provisional shortlist. And JKSSB will notify the same on their Official Website after the Final selection is made public .
benefits of Inservice candidate in jk
8. Shall my NPS contribution be considered?
Yes Your NPS account will be transferred from previous department to New department.
9. Shall I have to make a new NPS Account?
No , your exiting one will be considered.
10. Shall I have to make new CPIS ID?
No, Your existing CPIS ID will be transferred from previous department to New department.
11. Shall I have to make New Service Book?
No, Your existing Service Book will be transferred from previous department to New department.
12. What about my Previous Service ?
Your previous service will be calculated / considered.
13. What about Time Bound Promotion .Shall I have to spend new 9 years in a particular Grade?
Yes . You have to spend new 9 years in a particular grade so to claim TBP.
14. What about the Earned leaves that I have earn in previous Service?
So 194 of 2020 are simply J&K special Recruitment (Amendment Rule) and Deals with the duration of probation of a new employee which is Minimum 2 years and Max as per the rules in vogue. These rules were applied for all employees in jk before sro 202 as well.
Where as So 192 deals with Pay, Allowances , Fixation and other Benefits ..Which has now been nullified
Jk civil service rules Inservice candidates/benefits of Inservice candidate in jk
benefits of Inservice candidate in jk as per civil service rules
The initial substantive pay of Ii Government servant who is appointed substantively to a post on Ii time scale ‘of pay is regulated as follows ; (a) If he holds a lien on a permanent post, other than a tenure post, or would hold a lien on such a post had his lien not been suspended ; (i) When appointment to the new post involves the assumption of duties and responsibilities of greater importance (as interpreted for the purposes of Article 66) than those attaching to such permanent post, he will draw as initial pay the stage of the time scale next above his substantive pay in respect of the old post; (ii) When appointment to the new post does not involve such assumption, he will draw as initial pay the stage of the time scale which is’ equal to his substantive pay in respect (‘If the old post, or, if there is no such stage, the stage next below that pay plus personal allowance equal to the difference, and in either case will continue to draw that pay until such time as he would have received an ‘increment in the time scale of the old post or for the period after which an increment is earned in the time scale of the new post, whichever is less. But if the minimum pay of the time scale of the new post is higher than his substantive pay in respect of the old post, he will draw that minimum as initial pay; 1 Substituted vide F. D. Notification 191-F of 1960 dated 3-08-1960 have effect from 1-8-1960.
-benefits of Inservice candidate in jk
(iii) When appointment to the new post is made on his own request and the maximum pay in the time scale of that post is less than his substantive pay in respect of the old post, he will draw that maximum as initial pay. . (b) If the conditions prescribed in clause (a) are not fulfilled, he will draw as initial pay the minimum of the time scale; Provided, both in cases covered by clause (a) and in cases, other than cases of re-employment after resignation or removal or dismissal from the public service covered by clause (b), that if he either : (I) has previously held substantively or officiated in (i) the same post, or l(ii) a permanent post other than a tenure post or temporary post, on an identical time scale, or 2(iii) Deleted. (2) is appointed substantively to a tenure post on a time scale. identical with that of another tenure post which he has previously held substantively 1)r in which he has previously officiated, then the initial pay shall not be less than the pay or salary, which he drew on the last such occasion, and he shall count the period during which he drew, that pay or salary on such last and any previous occasions for increment in the stage of the time scale equivalent to that pay or salary. 3Government Instructions.-For purposes of Art. 77 the term “a post” will .also include a post which when previously held by a Government servant either in officiating or substantive capacity was in a time-scale different from one at the time of his re-appointment to that post, the old time-scale having been replaced by new time-scale as a result of revision of pay or otherwise. The initial pay of an official in this case, if he had prior to the introduction of a new time-scale drawn salary or pay equal to a stage, or intermediate between two stages, in the revised time salary scale, shall be fixed at the salary or pay last drawn and the period during which it was drawn may be counted for increment in the same stage, or if the salary or pay was intermediate between two stages in the lower stage of the revised scale. 1. Recast vide F. D. Notification SRO-397 dated 21-9-1963 and shall have effect from 1-2-1961. 2. Deleted ibid. 3. Inserted vide F. D. Notification SRO-320 dated 9-8-1967.
benefits of Inservice candidate in jk
The above provisions will not be applicable to posts the pay of which has been reduced. This shall be deemed to have come into effect from 1-4-1962. Note I.-Reversion to the ordinary. cadre of service from a tenure post included in that cadre or from a tenure or a special post not included in it, does not constitute “Substantive. appointment to a post” for the purposes of Art. 77. . . .benefits of Inservice candidate in jk Note 2.-The expression “if he holds a lien on a permanent post” occurring in clause (a) of Article 77 is held to include the lien on a permanent post to which a Government servant is appointed in a provisional substantive capacity under Article 37-E and the expression substantive pay in respect of the old post occurring in that Article should be held to include his substantive pay in respect of that provisional substantive appointment. Article 77 (a) should, therefore be held to permit the substantive pay in respect of a provisional .substantive appointment being taken into account in determining his initial pay in another post to which he is appointed. When the initial pay of a Government servant in a post is thus fixed, it will not be effected even if during the tenure of his appointment to that post. he reverts from his provisional appointment. Note 3.-See Note 3 under: article 67(c) ibid. Note 4.-Note 1 to Article 66 is applicable here also. Note 5.-The personal allowance, mentioned in clause (a) (ii) of this Article should be given to a Government servant only for the purpose of initial pay and not at any subsequent stage in the time-scale in which the Government servant might draw .less pay than he would draw had he remained in the old scale. Accordingly, when the next increment in the timescale of either the new or the old post falls due, the Government servant should draw the. next increment in the time scale of the new post, and forthwith loose the personal allowance and all connection with the timescale of his old ‘post. Note 6.-For the purposes of Article 77, a temporary post on a certain rate of pay. (fixed or time-scale) which is converted into a permanent post on a different rate of pay is not the ‘same post’ as the permanent post even though the duties remain the same. In other words, in view of Article 34-A, the temporary post is to be regarded as having ceased to exist and to have been replaced by the permanent post. The incumbent of the temporary post is thus entitled only to the- pay of the permanent Post, if it is on a fixed rate of pay or to the minimum of the time-scale of the permanent
post if it is on a time-scale .unless his case is covered by the concession admissible under Note 4. Note 7.-In the case of a Government servant appointed substantively to a post in which he had previously officiated and whose present substantive . pay is the same as the pay which he drew when last officiating, the initial pay should be fixed with reference to his substantive pay in respect of the old post. Accordingly, when a Government servant is appointed to a post. substantively while officiating in it, he is entitled to have his pay fixed a new with reference to his substantive pay at the time in respect of his old permanent post. Note 8.-Such outside M.B.B.S. Doctors in the grade of 300-30-420-EB35- 700 as are imported in the State and appointed on aggremental basis may be allowed the initial pay of Rs. 350 to Rs. 400. This will have effect from 31st December, 1954 i.e. the date of issue of Cabinet Order 1937-C of 1954. lNote 9.-For Military Service during emergency (Chinese aggression 1962) see Schedule XIII. 2Note 10.-In case of an officiating Government servant who is appointed to officiate in a higher post, his pay is fixed article Art. 77 read with Art. 67 (a) (i) and Note 1 below Art. 66 treating his officiating pay in the lower post as substantive. 377-A. Government may make rule laying down the pay and allowances or stipend admissible to any particular class of probationers or apprentices. and such rules will govern such class of probationers or apprentices Government can also lay down, in case of any particular class of Government servants deputed for training, whether such Government servants should get their full salary during such course of training or any reduced salary. 4Note I.-Deleted. 2Note 2.-For apprentices in the Accountancy Training School, see separate set of rules sanctioned by the Government in this behalf as contained in Schedule. XI of these Regulations. — ,.- 4Note 3.-Deleted. 1. Inserted vide F. D. Notification SRO-124 dated 22-3-1963. 2. Inserted vide F. D. Notification SRO-280 dated 4-7-1966 and shall have effect from 1-4-1963. ‘ 3. Inserted vide F. D. Notification SRO-191-F of 1960 dated 3-8-1960. 4. Deleted vide F. D. Notification SRO-108 dated 30-3-1982. 5. Substituted vide F. D. Notification SRO-257 dated 29-5-1970. CHAP. VII I REGU. OF PROGRESSIVE OR TIME SCALE PAY 99 Note.-Deleted. benefits of Inservice candidate in jk 1Note.-(Pay fixation on upgradation of posts). (a) In case the minimum of the upgraded pay scale is higher than the pay drawn in the existing pay scales, the pay be fixed at that minimum; (b) In case the pay drawn in the existing pay scale coincides with the stage of pay in the upgraded pay scale, the pay be fixed at the same stage; (c) In case the pay in the existing scale is drawn at a stage falling between the two stages of the pay in the upgraded pay scale, the pay be fixed at the next higher stage; (d) The date of increment in all the above three cases shall remain unchanged except where the pay in the pre-upgraded scale was . drawn at the maximum thereof. In the latter case next increment in the pay scale of the upgraded post shall be drawn ‘after the full incremental period (one year) reckoning from the date of upgradation. 2Government Instruction No. l.-Cases may arise where a Governtnet1t servant promoted to a higher post before 1-4-1963 draws a lower rate of pay in that post than another, junior to him in the lower grade but promoted to another identical posts on or after 1-4-1963. This may be because the pay of the junior official has been fixed in accordance with the provisions of the above rule. In order to remove this anomaly, the pay of the senior officer in the higher post should be stepped up to a figure equal to the pay as fixed for the junior officer in that higher post. The stepping up should be done with effect from the date of promotion of the junior official subject to the following conditions : (a) both the junior and senior officers should belong to the same cadre and the posts in which they have been promoted should be identical and in the same cadre; (b) the scales of the lower and higher posts in which they are entitled to draw pay should be identical; awl .. (c) the anomaly should be directly as a result of the application of Article 77-8. For example if even in the lower post the junior officer draws from time to time a higher rate of pay than the senior 1. Inserted vide F. D. Notification SRO-S9 dated 20-).I99S 2. Inserted vide F.D Notification SRO 105 dated:-3-3-1970 100 REGU. OF PROGRESSIVE OR TIME SCALE PAY [ CHAP. VII by virtue of fixation of pay under the normal rules or any advance increment granted to him, the provisions of these instructions shall not be invoked 1″ step up the pay of the senior officers. I The next increment of the senior officer (whose pay has been so fixed) will be drawn on completion of the requisite qualifying service (i.e. one fu11 incremental period) from the date of- refixation. 2Provided that the next increment of the senior officer who had applied for the stepping up of his pay before 10-9-1985 but the order of whose stepping up of his pay has been issued by the competent authority thereafter will be drawn on the date on which it would have fallen due but for the refixation of pay. This shall be deemed to have come into effect from 10-9-1985. In respect of cases which on the date of issue of this notification were pending with the Accountant General or with the Departments. concerned the benefit of these instructions shall apply retrospectively from 1-4- 1963 i.e. the date when Article 77-B was introduced, In all ot.l1er cases the fixation shall be made retrospectively from 1-4-1963 under these instruction but actual benefit shall accrue from the date of issue of this notification 3Government Instruction No.2-Dovemment Instruction No. I above shall apply equally to the cases of seniors drawing less pay than juniors in respect of promotion occurring on or after 1-4-1963. Government instruction No.3.where a revesion of pay is concurrent with placement of an officer in the selection grade, involving assumption of duties and “responsibilities of greater importance (as per Note 2 to Art 66) the Provision be fixed under the provisions of article 77-B, read with instruction their under. This “shall be deemed to have come into effect from 1-1-1973 but pending cases either with the Accountant General or the Administrative Departments will be finalised accordingly. 5Government. Instruction No. 4.-In the case of a Government servant stepping up “of pay shall be exercised by the concerned Administrative Department with prior agreement of the General Department. 1. Recast vide F. D. Notification SR0-340 dated 1(}-9-1985 2. Inserted vide F, D. Notification SR0-2S1 dated 8.4-191n. 3. Inserted vide F, D. Notification SRO-140 dated 2.4.1973 4. Inserted vide F. D. Notification, SR().S1’j dated IS.IO”1969 5. Inserted vide F. D. Notification SRO-56′) dated 29-11-1975.
101 ‘Deleted.
benefits of Inservice candidate
2Government Instruction No. 6.-(a) Cases have come to the notice of the Government in which Government servants defer promotion intentionally under one or the other pretext till the increment in the lower grade falls due. This has resulted in the pay of juniors in many cases overstepping their seniors. No deferment of promotion shall be allowed unless in any case the Government servant’s increment in the lower grade falls due within a week of the date of issue of orders of his promotion and the deferment does not result in the increase of junior’s pay over his senior: 3Provided that a Government employee shall be allowed to defer his promotion till end of the month in which he is promoted, irrespective of the date of issue of his promotion order in the said month, in case his increment in the lower post falls due on 1st of month following the month in which he is promoted. This shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 1-6-1996. (b) To set right past cases of a junior having drawn more pay than his senior, as a result of defering promotion, the junior shall be treated to have joined the higher post on the date on which the person senior to him and promoted along with him under one and the same order, joined the higher post. Juniors pay be fixed in the higher post accordingly from that date. The effect of increase in pay as a result of promotion should be allowed to him from the date he actually took over. This shall be deemed to have come into effect from 10-11-1971 the date of issue of General Department Circular No, GD (KAS) 162/69/89 dated 10-11-1971. The recovery of excess pay if any involved in such cases as a result of retrospective refixation of pay shall be treated as waived. 4Government Instruction No. 7.-Pay of a Government servant who is placed in a selection grade shall be fixed in the selection grade under the provisions of Art. 77-B 577-C. Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, initial pay of State Administrative/Police Service Officers in select lists, appointed to I. Deleted vide F. D, Notification SRO-92 dated 1-3-1989 2. Inserted vide F. D. Notification SRO-140 dated 14-3-1979, 3, Proviso added vide F.D, Notification SRO-380 dated 21-11-1997. 4, Inserted vide F. 0, Notification SRO-85 dated 20-2-1987, 5. Inserted vide F. D, Notification SRO-579 dated 15-10-1969. 102 REGU. OF PROGRESSIVE OR TIME SCALE PAY [ CHAP . VII non-cadre posts declared equivalent to cadre posts (I. A. S.l1. P. S.) shall be fixed in accordance with the principles laid down in section I of Schedule II of the Indian Administrative/Police Service (Pay) Rules, 1954 . as the case may be. This will have effect from 19-10-1968. 177-0. (i) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the following provision shall govern the pay of a Government servant who is appointed to another service/cadre or department on direct recruitment basis : (a) he shall draw pay at the minimum of the time scale or at the probationery stage of the time scale of the service/or post as the case maybe: Provided that where a Government servant has immediately before such appointment been holding a post in a substantive capacity and was drawing pay therein equal to or more than the minimum of the time scale of the service/post his initial pay at the time of his appointment to the new service/post shall be regulated under Art 77(a) (ii) read with Art. 67(a)(ii): . Provided further that in respect of the Government servant who immediately before such appointment has been holding a post in an officiating capacity and has been drawing his presumptive pay equal to or higher than the minimum of the time scale, his initial pay at the time of his appointment .to the new service/post shall be regulated under Art, 77(a) (ii) treating his presumptive pay as substantive pay for purposes of such fixation alone. He shall not however be allowed the benefit of Art. 67(a) (ii): Provided also that the benefit of this rule shall not be available to a person who at the time of his appointment to the new service/post was holding a post on adhoc basis or was working against a leave/suspension or any other short term vacancy: Provided also that the benefit of this rule shall not be available to a person who is appointed to a lower post in another service/cadre or department on direct recruitment basis. For this purpose a post in another department . shall be considered to be a lower post if two factors out of three in the pay scale go down on the analogy of Note 2 below Art. 66, . (b) After fixing the initial pay under (a) above, drawal of next increment or any subsequent increment or increments during the period of probation and fixation of pay on confirmation after completion of the period of I. Recast vide F . D. Notification SRO-316 dated 10-6-1987.
read benefits of Inservice candidate in jk
probation shall be regulated in accordance with the rules relating to the service/department in which appointment has been made. (ii) The provisions contained in sub-rule (i) shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases of Government servant appointed on probation (on trial) with definite conditions against temporary posts in an other service/department were recruitment to permanent posts of such service/department is made as probationers except that in such cases the fixation of pay in the manner indicated in clause (i) (a) shall be done under Art. 67(a) (i). (iii) The benefit of protection of pay as indicated above shall not in any case entitle the Government servants concerned to draw the joining time pay and/or transfer on tour T. A. for joining the new post. The transit or preparation days if any involved in such cases shall be treated as leave whatever kind due except casual leave. Pending cases, if any on the date of issue of these orders shall be decided accordingly. 1 Note.-Inservice teachers who are appointed as lecturers (direct recruits) in between August, 1969 and July, 1974 and who on such appointment were allowed pay at the minimum of lecturers grade, will have their pay refixed under the provisions of Article 77-D (I), 2[subject to the condition that arrears will be payable w. e. f. 18-7-1974 i.e. the date of issue of SRO346 dated 18-7-1974 or from the date they have taken over as such whichever is later.]
Service counts for increment as below : (i) Duty in a post to which a time scale applies counts for increment in that time scale. (ii) Officiating service in another post, service in a temporary post and leave with allowances count for increments in time scale applicable to the post on which the Government servant concerned holds a lien or would hold a hen, if it were not suspended. However, competent authority may allow a Government servant to count for increment leave without pay, if it is satisfied that the leave was taken on account of illness or some other cause beyond the control of the Government servant concerned, 3[or for prosecuting higher scientific and technical studies]. I. Inserted vide F. D. Notification SRO-649 dated 15-11- I 977. 2. Recast vide F. D. Notification SRO-366 dated 11-7-1980. 3. Inserted vide F. D. Notification SRO-461 dated 27-4-1971. 104 REGU. OF PROGRESSIVE OR TIME SCALE PAY [ CHAP. VII 1Note 1.-Leave with allowance shall count for increment in the time scale applicable to a post in which a Government servant was officiating at the time he proceeded on leave and would have continued to officiate but for his proceeding on leave. For this purpose a certificate that the Government servant concerned would have continued to officiate in that post but for his proceeding on leave, is necessary in the case of a temporary/officiating Government servant. In the case of a Government servant proceeding on leave where no officiating arrangement is made in the leave vacancy and the Government servant concerned returns to the same post after expiry of the leave, the. certificate mentioned above may be issued by the leave sanctioning authority. In another cases the certificate shall be issued by the appointing authority. This has effect from 1-8-1960. 2Note 2.- Time passed under suspension adjudged as penalty does not count for increment unless the authority who reinstates the officer expressly declares that period shall count. 3Government Instruction:-Doubts have been expressed if service rendered on ad hoc basis counts for increments when followed by regular appointment is hereby clarified that ad hoc appointments where made on or after 1-4-1979 should be on a consolidated salary which will be equal to the minimum of the scale of pay of the post to which ad hoc appointment is made. No increments be allowed to be drawn during ad hoc service, or such service should not be allowed to be counted for increments after regular appointment. Cases decided otherwise in the past shall not be re-opened. 79. (a) If a Government servant while officiating a post on a timescale or holding a post on a time-scale is appointed to officiate in a higher post, his officiating service in the higher post shall if he is reappointed to the lower post count for increments in the time scale applicable to such lower post…. (b) Foreign service counts for increments in the time-scale applicable to (i) the post in Government service on which the Government servant concerned holds a lien or would hold a lien if it were not suspended; 1. Substituted vide F.D Notification SRO-268 dated 29-9-]962. 2. Inserted vide F D. Notification SRO-311 dated 24-10-1962. 3. Inserted vide F D. Notification SRO-229 dated 13-4-1979, CHAP. VII ] REGU. OF PROGRESSIVE OR TIME SCALE PAY 105 (ii) a post to which the Government servant might receive officiating promotion for the duration of such promotions. I(C) Military Service (Chinese aggression 1962). See Schedule XIII. 2(d) In cases other than those falling under clause (a) above if a Government servant while officiating in a higher post is subsequently transferred/reverted/appointed to a lower post (which may or may not have been held by him previously) without any breach in his services for reasons other than as a measure of disciplinary action,In completed years of service in the higher post will count for purposes of increments in the lower post to which he is appointed or reverted. But initial pay shall not exceed pay last drawn in the higher post. 80. 3[ x x x ]benefits of Inservice candidate in jk 80 -A. 3[ x x x ]benefits of Inservice candidate in jk 81. 4[ x x x ]benefits of Inservice candidate in jk 82. The incumbent of an appointment, the pay of which is changed shall be treated as if he were transferred to a new appointment on the new pay; provided that he may at his option retain his old pay until the date on which he earns his next or any subsequent increment in the old scale or until he vacates his post or ceases to draw pay on that time-scale 5[x x x]. The option once exercised shall be final.